Click here to download the FACC video that was created in 2021.
This video can be used for presentations that celebrate CMC and MMC designations, presentations that take place before municipal councils and organizations, and for display at the FACC exhibit booth during the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference.
FACC members, please feel free to share this video with your municipality at a council meeting, citizen groups, local television station, and house it on your website.
Click here to download the 2016 FACC video.
The Florida League of Cities’ Center for Municipal Research conducted a survey of 292 municipal clerks in Florida regarding how the city clerk’s office is structured in their municipalities. The survey was conducted electronically from October 22 – November 15, 2019, with a response rate of 75% (or 219 clerks).
Click here to view the survey results.
The National Center on Disability and Access to Education has developed one-page accessibility resources, or "cheatsheets," to assist anyone who is creating accessible content. These free resources are catered to less-technical individuals, such as faculty and staff. There are "cheatsheets" for Microsoft Office, Adobe and more.
YouTube is also a helpful resource to search for training videos. For example, search the words "creating accessible word document (video)" and you get these videos. FACC is not endorsing or guaranteeing the legal veracity of this content.