Teenage Engineering Pocket Operators Cheat Sheet by Naenyn

A comprehensive guide covering all of the commands available on teenage engineering's Pocket Operator line of calculator-sized synthesizers.

Notes & Conven­tions

In order to maintain consis­tency between POs, I refer to the button directly below Knob B as Func and the button directly below Func as Effect.
The Func button actually has different names/­fun­ctions between POs (described elsewhere in this guide). However, this button is always used for sync modes.

Cheat Sheet Conven­tions With Write mode enabled: (SS) = Step Sequence Edit (with playback stopped) (LR) = Live Record (with playback started)

After inserting batter­ies.

Rotate Knob A for Hours. Rotate Knob B for Minutes. Press any key to confir­m/exit.

Hold Sound, Press Pattern. Rotate Knob A for Hours (all the way left to disable). Rotate Knob B for Minutes. Press 1-16 to set pattern for alarm.