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Welcome to Fairfax County's Real Estate Assessment Site

This site provides assessed values and physical characteristics for all residential and commercial properties. Click on one of the property search links above to search by address, by tax map reference number, or by doing a map search. You can also view residential sales within a property's assessment neighborhood. Display of this public information on the Internet is specifically authorized by Code of Virginia §58.1-3122.2.

Important Information

Property characteristics and ownership information (including sale dates and prices) are updated twice weekly. Assessed values are as of January 1 for the years provided.

If you believe any data provided is inaccurate or if you have any comments about this site, please let us know. Comments or requests can be submitted to the Real Estate Division using the Contact Us form accessible in the site header of each page. Owner names can be withheld from the internet record upon request.


The Department of Tax Administration (DTA) makes every effort to provide the most current and accurate tax payment information possible. However, DTA: (i) makes or provides no warranties, expressed or implied, for the tax payment information herein, including its accuracy, completeness or reliability and (ii) assumes no liability or responsibility for the use, misuse or interpretation of such information. The tax payment information on this site may not reflect recent payments or adjustments. Taxpayers are solely responsible for making payment by the required payment due date. Information provided herein may not constitute grounds for waiver or abatement of any penalties or interest due to late payments. Precise determination of parcel boundaries must be made by a licensed surveyor using the location information recorded on the property deed on file with the Circuit Court.